Drumul către libertate trece prin tine!


Am publicat în urmă cu o săptămână anunțul pentru cursul ”Cum să fii liber într-o lume plină de constrângeri” pe care la cererea mai multor cursanți, l-am pregătit de ceva vreme. În ultimele zile, am primit și unele păreri referitoare la cât de utopic este acest subiect, pe motivul că ar fi imposibilă practicarea libertății în lumea în care trăim. Dacă ne uităm în dicționar, ”libertatea”, ca oricare alt cuvânt, se definește din mai multe perspective, însă în cursul nostru de pe 2-3 februarie 2019 ne vom ocupa de conceptul de ”libertate” definit ca ”Posibilitatea de a acționa după propria voință sau dorință; posibilitatea de acțiune conștientă a oamenilor în condițiile cunoașterii (și stăpânirii) legilor de dezvoltare a naturii și a


Să devii liber într-o lume a sistemelor, presupune parcurgerea conștientă a unui drum de la exterior (lumea cu constrângerile ei), către interior (propria ta ființă), cuvântul de referință fiind ”conștient”.  Exteriorul nu îl poți schimba, oricât de puternic ai fi. Singurul loc de care te poți ocupa, este interiorul tău.

Ce ai sădit acolo preluând din exteriorul tău și nu te lasă să fii liber? Ce nu te lasă să alegi să trăiești acele experiențe despre care îți șoptește în ureche o voce auzită doar de tine?

Și când vorbesc despre experiență, mă refer la situații precum schimbarea locului de muncă, mutarea într-un alt oraș, o altă țară sau o altă casă, saltul de la angajat la liber profesionist sau antreprenor, schimbarea radicală a carierei și pornirea de la zero, o nouă poveste de dragoste, sau chiar acceptarea fenomenului morții ca o transformare, ca parte din viață, nu ca finalitate a ei.  

Dacă ne uităm la lista scurtă de mai sus, ne vom regăsi cu toții cel puțin într-o zonă pe care am trăit-o sau pe care o trăim actual. Și dacă ne gândim de ce ne aflăm acolo, răspunsul profund este pentru că ne ferim, sau ne este teamă de ceva: să nu rănim pe cineva, să nu pierdem ceva sau pe cineva, să nu rămânem fără bani… pe scurt, să nu greșim ceva undeva față de noi sau de altcineva.

Iar dacă nu am depășit această zonă de frică, nu putem fi liberi!

Îndrăznesc să spun că cea mai mare constrângere a vieții este frica, iar ea nu ne este exterioară. De aceea, la acest curs, ne vom ocupa exact de această zonă a mentalului propriu, care ne blochează să ajungem acolo unde ne dorim.

Menționam mai sus că pentru acest curs, cheia este cuvântul ”conștient”. Când devii conștient de ceea ce ești cu adevărat, frica dispare.


”Cum putem deveni conștienți?”, este întrebarea la care vom răspunde în timpul celor două zile de curs, folosind câteva tehnici care să ne liniștească agitația din minte și să ne trezească starea de observator asupra propriei vieți. Va fi un pas către lucrul cu propria persoană, care necesită timp, răbdare și perseverență. Atunci când nu găsim timp suficient, când ne pierdem răbdarea și când alegem perseverența doar pentru situații care ne aduc beneficii imediate, filmul propriei vieți curge pe o stare de lipsă. Ceea ce ne rămâne însă, este întoarcerea către credință și înțelegerea profundă că suntem mai mult decât ceea ce credem în acest moment că suntem. Și dacă o avem, am făcut deja drumul pe jumătate, pentru că începem să ”umblăm prin credință, nu prin vedere” [2 Corinteni: 5:7].

Dacă vă simțiți pregătiți și suficient de motivați intrinsec să deveniți conștienți de ceea ce sunteți cu adevărat și să acționați în consecință, vă așteptăm la curs. Detalii aici.


WomenEsteem International Community for Spiritual Business Women!


When you learn that change is the only way forward, you feel when you have to readjust your path. That’s why, starting today, September 11th, our community will address not only to business women, but mostly to “spiritual business women”. We have started our meetings on 9th of November 2017 aiming to gather together all the business women willing to support each other in their career. Our workshops were always a mix between business topics and simple human oriented practices that people may call “spiritual” because they are targeting a more profound part of the attendees, quite difficult to be included in the neutral business area. I have chosen this model, based on my profound believe and practice from my professional life, which defines the human being as thecenter of any business.    

The concept it’s not new, and you may find it in different companies. The reality shows that it’s a nice concept, good to be stated in companies’ “Values”, but when it comes to measuring the profit, the first cuts are affecting directly the human being – that “most valuable resource”, as we use to call it. And living in that environment each and every day, trying to “save some money” and increase the profitability, you may forget to measure your own level of “human behavior” and you may feel like losing yourself. But you are not. You are just changing your priorities.

During the last months, the majority of the ladies attending WomenEsteem International community workshops, mostly appreciated the profound connection with their own feelings in a business situation. We got there with our eyes closed, using imagination, relaxation and reaching a higher level of presence in Here and Now. These are not a custom in a business environment, even if they are clearing our minds and connects us with our true nature. One day, after closing a meeting, someone told me I am doing a great “spiritual work” in my workshops, although I have never considered my methods as being spiritual, but rather “human centered”.

Hence, for the sake of aligning to this general understanding, we will call them “spiritual”, and we will open our doors widely to “spiritual women” connected to a business, their own or just working for a company, willing to approach their professional life inside out. 

If you think you are ready for a new perspective, you can become a member of WomenEsteem International Community here.

You don’t have to change in 2018!



Sounds strange, but it’s not. We really don’t have to change in 2018 if we are happy with our lives. It’s not a contest each year to see who succeeded and who failed. It’s just a general constraint usually covered by a personal development motto. Anybody puts it on their wish list for the New Year, as if it should be a must. But it’s not! In the end, it’s just a matter of perspective, of choosing an illusion instead of a so-called cruel reality or a failure.


The trick is, failure does not exist! It’s just a way of looking at the experiences that are not giving you something you have wished for so long. But that’s not failure, it’s just a different step towards a new achievement. Let’s think for instance at kids learning to walk. They don’t have the notion of „failure”. If they knew failure, they would stop walking, and that would be a new reality for all of us.

So, not having on your To Do List for 2018 a point saying „I will change that…” it’s not a tragedy. The tragedy might arise when you have it there, but you don’t believe in it. This can lead to un-satisfaction and lower self-esteem and you don’t need that in your life, trust me.

I did change important things in my life over the years, but none of them were on my To Do List at the beginning of a new year. And you know why? Because change will happen when you are ready for it! And I am talking about changes that are coming in your life to stay for a long period of time. This kind of changes are not suddenly done. Time and other small changes will lead you to transform an important behavior or make a certain decision and stick with it.

In 2010 I quit smoking. It was for real at that time. I did it twice before 2010 but after some months or years of good practice, I changed my mind and started smocking again. Why? Because when I started to smock, I did it during a though period of time, thinking that smocking would make me relax and forget my sadness. And that thought became an axiom of my life. So, every time I had big issues like losing someone dear from the family, the first thing I used to do was lighting up a cigarette to relax a bit and suffer less.

In 2010, I took a two weeks’ vacation. I was really down and I felt the need to take a break. Two days later I profoundly understood I was living a huge lie. The reality is that smoking doesn’t calm you down, but increases the anxiety. I had known it for ages, but I had never felt it inside as being true. That morning, in Greece, I said to myself “I am not stupid. I know I can relax better without smoking and I did it so many times before”! And that was the beginning of a new change that still lasts 8 years later. I did small steps in between, it’s true, but the major one was done when I felt deep inside what my mind was telling me every time I tried to quit smoking.

Basically, you can write down tons of wish lists. However, everything will happen when your entire being, including your mind, your body, your soul and your heart wish for the change to happen. And this will occur whether you have it on your To Do list for a New Year or not. In fact, we often publish on social media channels quotes like “The only constant in life, is change”, yet we are rushing to do big changes when we are not ready for them, and fear change when it’s entering uninvited into our life. That’s why I think we should take out the burden of these lists that are becoming more and more a Must, like eating or sleeping, and just be present each moment of our life, trying to make it better for us and the people around, and be more conscious about the fact that we might do small changes each day, leading us to important changes tomorrow.   

The funny thing is that the well-known “change management” programs for big companies are following the same paradigm, but I will tell you more about this in my next article. So, stay tuned and follow our page for more insights.