News for you

Stories for English readers

The need of the business environment to adapt to the new world’s paradigm by empowering people to use their natural talents while they are assigned on the right jobs, is growing faster these days. That’s why we feel it’s our duty to emphasize it once in a while through our articles.  

Povești pentru cititori români

Nevoia mediului de afaceri de a se adapta la noua paradigmă a lumii prin împuternicirea oamenilor de a-și folosi talentele native în timp ce sunt așezați pe locurile de muncă potrivite, crește rapid în aceste zile. De aceea, considerăm că este de datoria noastră să o subliniem din când în când prin articolele noastre.

Mass-media news

We are always ready to answer questions about our Products and Services hoping that clarity will help people shift their business mindset. Here, you may find some of the business interviwes or news paper articles we had during our activity.

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